Today is a pretty significant and monumental day. Exactly eight years ago, I slid into the afternoon drive spot that was vacated by then-Cowhead as he took over the morning spot that opened up after our company declined to renew the contract of one Bubba the Love Sponge. Previous to this move, I was in a very unique and often-difficult position. Bubba had helped me fall back in love with radio by putting me on his Radio IO network (an internet radio venture) and had gone out of his way to sing my praises as a broadcaster on his terrestrial morning show, undoubtedly helping inspire my man Shark to reach out to me about a potential return to radio. Cowhead had “put me over” in wrestling terms when it came to my debut on the Bone, which helped me find my footing and gain an audience. As a newcomer to Tampa, I had no idea just how deep and vicious the animosity between these two was, and I naively thought that I could somehow remain friends (or at least friendly) both on and off the air with both of them.
I quickly discovered that was impossible.